
Build Passionate Communities,
Host Successful Events

Grow your community through Peatix


Create groups to build a community around your events. Learn more.


Use the app to keep track of sales and manage your event. Learn more.


Create, sell and check-in tickets at the venue. Learn more.

Gather people with the same interests in a group

Grow your group and keep members immediately up to date about new events you run through Peatix email and in-app notifications.

Sell more tickets with the Peatix App

20% of all ticket sales are generated through Peatix's platform recommendations. Give your event the extra boost it needs to sell more tickets. On Android and iOS.

Create an event page and start selling tickets in just 3 minutes

It's simple - fill in your event's date, time, place and what it's about. Easily upload images and videos. Create tickets and start promoting!

Ready to organize your event?

Create an event now for free!

Need Help?

Contact us



10am to 6pm (Excluding weekends and holidays)

Transparent and Cost-Friendly, No Hidden Fees

If you're not charging for your event, we won't either.


processing fee


per ticket

* Inclusive of all payment processing fees

  • Zero cost for free events & tickets

  • No fees for ticket buyers whatsoever

  • No service or registration fee

  • Supports 25 different countries

Manage your event in 5 simple steps

1. Start a Group

2. Create Event Page

3. Promote & Sell Tickets

4. Check-in

5. Payout


From Small Workshops to Big Festivals


Ready to organize your event?

Create an event now for free!

Need Help?

Contact us


10am to 6pm
(Excluding weekends and holidays)